We recommend travelers book flights only after they have confirmed their trip with AdventureSmith Explorations. Travelers are responsible for booking their own flights. We will offer our advice and expertise to booked guests for flights from your home to your destination. AdventureSmith Explorations may book internal, domestic flights as part of your small ship cruise or adventure travel package.

Booking Your Flights – Advice & Guidelines

At the bottom of each itinerary you will find an Arrival & Departure section that outlines detailed arrival and departure instructions for that trip. Use this advice to begin planning your trip dates and researching your flights. Once your trip is confirmed, your Adventure Specialist will send detailed arrival and departure instructions for your trip. Call to be sure your flights are properly coordinated with your trip. Do not book flights until your trip is confirmed. 

Exito – Worldwide Flight Specialists

When researching flights, we recommend you get a quote from our partners at Exito Travel. We are experts in expedition cruises and strive to offer first hand knowledge and personalized service at the best price.  The people at Exito offer the same expertise for your flight arrangements. They are worldwide flight specialists who offer competitive contract rates, personalized service and have more than 20 years of experience. And by booking your flights with a human being you have a direct contact if things go awry. 

Get a free personalized flight quote

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